BJP flays PM for defending Pakistan
BJP flays PM for defending Pakistan
The BJP attacked Prime Minister Manmohan Singh for his remarks that Pakistan too was a victim of terrorism.

New Delhi: The main Opposition BJP on Wednesday attacked Prime Minister Manmohan Singh for his remarks that Pakistan too was a victim of terrorism.

The BJP insisted that he had given "enough latitude" to Islamabad to deny it does not support terror.

BJP spokesman Ravi Shankar Prasad, whose party had demanded that India should hold no dialogue with Pakistan until it destroys terror infrastructure on its soil, alleged that Singh's comments that groups like the LeT and Jaish-e-Mohammad act autonomously amounted to giving a "clean chit" to the ISI.

"You are giving enough latitude to Pakistan to deny it is not supporting terrorism. By calling Pakistan a victim of terrorism, the Prime Minister has completely shifted the Indian position that Pakistan must destroy terror infrastructure on its soil," Prasad said.

In his comments while flying to Brazil on Tuesday, Singh, however, also maintained that Pakistan had not done enough to control terror groups like the LeT and Jaish.

But the BJP flayed him for his comments that such outfits could also act independently. "Such remarks can have dangerous implications as they amount to giving a clean chit to the ISI for its support to such terror groups," Prasad said.

The BJP leader insisted Singh had "negated the essence and spirit" of Pakistan's January 6, 2004 commitment to then Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee to act against terror camps on its soil.

Prasad also said his party believed India should also press for official recognition as a nuclear power state as part of its deal with the United States.

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