Blair warns Iran of 'different phase'
Blair warns Iran of 'different phase'
Tony Blair warned Tehran of a "different phase" if it did not free the 15 British sailors captured in the Gulf.

London: Britain's British Prime Minister Tony Blair warned Tehran on Tuesday of a "different phase" if it did not free 15 British military personnel captured in the Gulf four days ago.

The sailors' capture and new UN sanctions imposed on Tehran on Saturday over its disputed nuclear program have stoked tensions between the West and Iran and pushed oil prices to a 2007 high.

Russia and the United Arab Emirates on Tuesday urged Iran to comply with UN demands that it halt sensitive nuclear work but Tehran says the UN resolution is illegal.

Iran, which denies any intention of making atomic weapons, has said it may charge the two boatloads of British sailors and marines with illegally entering its waters in the northern Gulf. Britain insists they were operating in Iraqi waters.

"What we are trying to do is to pursue this through the diplomatic channels and make the Iranian government understand these people have to be released and that there is absolutely no justification whatever for holding them," Blair said.

"They have to release them. If not, then this will move into a different phase," he told Britain's GMTV television.

Blair's spokesman said the next step London could take would be to publish proof, in the form of global satellite positioning (GPS) records, that the sailors had not entered Iranian waters.

"We so far haven't made explicit why we know that because we don't want to escalate this," he said.

A government source in London told Reuters British officials were showing Iran data on the sailors' exact position when seized.

Britain has been assured that the sailors are well but has not been given access to them or told where they are being held....

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