BMC wants Mumbaikars to decide on schools' closure
BMC wants Mumbaikars to decide on schools' closure
The BMC asked Mumbai residents their opinion on closing schools via SMS.

Mumbai: The Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) on Tuesday said it would seek public opinion on temporary closure of schools here due to rising H1N1 cases.

"We want Mumbaikars to decide whether the schools should be closed or not due to (spread of) H1N1 virus. We through our own machinery - Disaster Management Cell - sent SMSes to people. If majority of the them say they want schools to be closed then schools will be closed down," Municipal Commissioner Jairaj Phatak said.

The BMC, in its SMS to Mumbaikars, asks - Do you think in view of the swine flu all the schools in the city need to be closed? Please answer yes or no on 108 by 9pm on Tuesday.

However, Phatak added, "If we close schools for eight days or so there is no guarantee that the virus will disappear in eight to 10 days. The virus is in the air. It can infect people anywhere, even when someone is at home. Closing the school does not seem like a solution."

There is also a possibility that if schools are closed, it will create panic among the people, Phatak said.

"And for how long will we close schools? For eight days, ten days. After that, what if swine flu cases keep on increasing? Will we again close down schools?" Phatak asked.

"Even Union Health Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad has said schools should not be closed down indiscriminately. If a school in distant suburb of Dahisar is closed down, is there a need to close down schools in Colaba (in city) or Govandi (a central suburb) too?" Phatak asked.

"I had a meeting with teachers and headmasters and they also believe that there is no need to close down schools indiscriminately due to one or two suspected patients. Instead, the children must take rest at home for a week," the BMC chief said.

Taking a cue from Pune where schools have been asked to shut down for a week, the city's corporators on Tuesday called for a similar action in the metropolis.

"Let us all see the situation in Pune and leave the decision on school closure to Mumbaikars," Phatak said.

The civic administration has asked school authorities to advise week-long home rest to students who have fever, cold and cough.

"Children are more vulnerable (to H1N1), but there was no need to close down schools completely. Particular classes can be shut for a few days," Phatak said.

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