Brits brave hottest summer in 70 yrs
Brits brave hottest summer in 70 yrs
Londoners normally long for sunny days, but this summer, they've gotten more than their share of sunshine.

London: It's a summer the Brits are not going to forget. Britain is braving its hottest July since 1933.

Londoners normally long for sunny days, but this summer, they've gotten more than their share of sunshine.

It's been the hottest July in Britain in more than seven decades, with temperatures soaring over 35 degrees, but Londoners don't seem to mind it too much.

"This is unusual but I like the heat, I like the warm summer. We're drinking a lot of water and moving slowly I think," says a London-based man.

Another woman says, "It will be nice to have air conditioning everywhere. A lot of stores have run out of fans so it would be nice if they would stock up."

While air conditioning is defintely high on everyone's agenda, climate experts are worried.

Says climate change expert, Jim Footner, "Unfortunately, you will see a dramatic rise in air conditioning in the UK that has the ironic effect, which is that air conditioning emits more carbon dioxide as they are very energy intensive and thus we have to produce more energy."

Experts also say the city is just not prepared to face the heat. The hot July is however ending and the weatherman may just have some good news. The weekend will see some showers and the temperatures may just be headed south.

So, it's a good idea to always have a raincoat or an umbrella handy is you are in London.

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