Bruni-Sarkozy picture sparks pregnancy speculation
Bruni-Sarkozy picture sparks pregnancy speculation
The picture shows the 53-year-old French president patting his wife's belly.

Paris: The first family of France may soon get a visit from the stork.

French president, 53-year-old Nicolas Sarkozy, was caught patting his wife's belly while holidaying at the family villa in French Riviera by the Daily Mail.

The leading daily from Britain published the story and that led to the speculation of Bruni, the Italian heiress and first lady of France, being pregnant.

In an interview to a lifestyle magazine a while ago, Carla Bruni had denied that she was expecting a child with the president. But she had made it known that the couple would like to try for a baby, only her age could be a deterrent.

She had blamed any apparent weight gain on her penchant for the occasional beer.

Bruni and Sarkozy tied the knot in February, less than three months after the French president began seeing the Italian heiress-singer.

As Sarkozy put his whirlwind romance on public display shortly after his divorce from his second wife Cecilia, his popularity ratings in opinion polls tumbled.

Despite that, there has been strong public interest in the Bruni-Sarkozy relationship.

In a spate of interviews for the launch of her third album, however, Carla Bruni said she would love to be expecting.

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