Burhan Wani's Successor Warns J&K Police Via Video Message
Burhan Wani's Successor Warns J&K Police Via Video Message
Slain Hizbul Mujahideen commander Burhan Muzaffar Wani's successor Zakir Moosa has released video message warning Jammu and Kashmir police not to harass their families or face consequences.

Srinagar: Slain Hizbul Mujahideen commander Burhan Muzaffar Wani's successor Zakir Moosa has released video message warning Jammu and Kashmir police not to harass their families or face consequences.

“Why bring in our families if it a fight between Mujahideens and police," Moosa said in the video released on Wednesday.

Moosa said that they are well aware about families of the policemen countering them and they will be forced to act if the police don't leave their families alone.

“You should not harass the families of mujahideen because if you do, we also reserve the right to do a similar act. If you think your families are safe in Jammu and outside Kashmir, let me tell you we have the capacity to hit them even in Kanyakumari," he said.

Moosa, who was an engineering student in Chandigarh, joined Wani three years back and has been seen many times in videos and pictures alongside him.

Since Wani's death on July 8, 2016, this is the first message from the militant group Hizbul Mujahideen.

Sources say the threat video has its basis to a recent incident in which his father and family members were called by security forces to a camp for questioning.

The Hizbul Mujahideen had previously warned the local police of reprisal attacks if militant families are called to police stations or security camps for questioning.

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