Career files: At work, my wife is 2 levels higher
Career files: At work, my wife is 2 levels higher
Adarsh Varghese and his wife are co-workers, he shares his experience.

The career files, where we ask professionals from all walks of life to share their experiences at the workplace. Bad jobs, nasty bosses, love at work, career strategy, et al.

This week: We profile Adarsh Varghese, who works for a reputed MNC in Hyderabad as an account associate. His wife Tiqvah is a Team Lead. They got married two years ago.

Healthy? Not healthy?

"I think it's been nothing but great," says Adarsh. "Tiqvah and I are married, and as far as we're concerned, being able to work for the same company, in the same office, is nothing short of a blessing. It's only been healthy so far."

Four months after Tiqvah joined, we got engaged! Many folks in office freaked out thinking we got engaged after having known each other only four months. Little did they know we've been great friends since we were kids.


It is a little awkward at times. My wife has four years more work experience than I do, and joined Google two levels higher than me. People like to draw comparisons and that puts us off. But we've learned to live with it. The blessings far outweigh the minor irritants.

Do it!

Yes, personally, I'd recommend this to anyone. Then again, a lot depends on the individuals. Many people feel stifled and tied down in a way when their spouse works in the same office as them. We well we're only happy, and in some ways, we feel 'liberated.'

Working together can be healthy for a relationship. Discussing challenges at work and responses to challenging situations is a great way to get to know your spouse and do things 'together.' Having Tiqvah at work is an enormous encouragement and I know she feels the same too. Insecurity and competitiveness can come in the way sometimes. Thankfully, that hasn't been something that's troubled us.

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