CBI questions Rizwanur's wife, keeps mum
CBI questions Rizwanur's wife, keeps mum
Priyanka Todi was questioned at her uncle's residence in Kolkata.

New Delhi: The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), probing the slain Kolkata graphic designer Rizwanur Rehman's death case, questioned Rehman's widow Priyanka on Tuesday at her uncle Pradip Todi's residence in Kolkata.

Priyanka was interrogated in the presence of CBI Joint Director Arun Kumar.

However it refused to divulge details of Priyanka's interrogation.

"It's too early to say anything. We are monitoring the case," said Arun Kumar.

The CBI has already registered a case against Priyanka's father Ashok Todi.

Rizwanur, 27, who had married Priyanka, the daughter of businessman Ashok Todi, on August 18 against the wishes of her father, was found dead on September 21 beside a railway track.

The CBI interrogated Ashok Todi’s brother Pradip, whose involvement was alleged in Rizwanur’s death.

Pradip was called to the CBI office at the CGO Complex in Salt Lake and was grilled for more than an hour by a team led by Kumar.

Meanwhile, the CBI on Monday said it has sent Rizwanur's post-mortem report for re-examination to forensic science experts at AIIMS.

The AIIMS review would determine if the CBI should conduct a second post-mortem on Rizwanur's body, which will then have to be exhumed.

Pradip was also questioned about his relations with senior IPS officers and the pressures they applied to separate the couple.

A two-member CBI team spoke to Rizwanur's students and colleagues at Arena Multimedia. He had met Priyanka as his student there.

The state government has handed over all documents collected by the CID to the CBI.

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