Climate Action Network releases Copenhagen checklist
Climate Action Network releases Copenhagen checklist
Essentials are defined for agreement to avoid dangerous warming

A global network of over 500 organisations on Tuesday (November 24, 2009) released a checklist for Copenhagen, enumerating the essential elements required of any complete and robust climate agreement in Copenhagen.

"This checklist defines the actions required to avoid catastrophic climate change, while sustaining the global economy and adapting to the climate change we can’t avoid," said Director of CAN International David Turnbull.

The science is clear. We have the yardstick for measuring what leaders agree to in Copenhagen.

The checklist, titled 'Fair, Ambitious and Binding Essentials for a Successful Deal in Copenhagen', serves as a scorecard for observers tracking the progress of the Copenhagen climate negotiations and evaluating the outcomes. Highlights from the checklist include:

  • A commitment to keep warming well below 2°C, with emission peaking between 2013 and 2017, and concentrations lowering to 350ppm CO2e.
  • Industrialised countries as a group must take a target of more than 40 per cent below 1990 levels by 2020. Most of which should be met through domestic emissions reductions.
  • Developing countries must be supported in their efforts to limit the growth of their industrial emissions, making substantial reductions below business-as-usual.
  • Emissions from deforestation and degradation must be reduced to zero by 2020, funded by at least US$35 billion per year from developed countries.
  • Developed countries need to provide at least US$195 billion in public financing per year by 2020, in addition to ODA commitments, for developing country actions.
  • Copenhagen outcomes must be legally binding and enforceable: a second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol; and a complementary agreement with comparable action and enforcement for the United States, and action from developing countries.
  • Climate Action Network (CAN) is a global network of over 500 environment, development and faith-based organizations working to limit climate change to sustainable levels. The checklist represents the broad position of the network. Individual members have individual positions.

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