Defence veterans stand united on OROP, want it implemented soon without any dilution
Defence veterans stand united on OROP, want it implemented soon without any dilution
Even as there seems to be a rift within the United Front of Ex-Servicemen (UFES) on whether to accept the government proposal on One Rank One Pension, defence veterans believe that a consensus should be reached as soon as possible.

New Delhi: Even as there seems to be a rift within the ex-servicemen on accepting the government proposal on One Rank One Pension, defence veterans believe that a consensus should be reached as soon as possible. Major General Satbir Singh (retired), chairman of Indian Ex-Servicemen Movement (IESM), says no proposal has come from the government which is acceptable to the veterans. "I doubt government's intention. The government wants revision of pension ever 5 years but nothing beyond 2 years is acceptable," he adds.

1965 Indo-Pak war veteran Brigadier DP Nayar (retired) opines that both parties should reach a solution now as the wait has been for over 40 years now. "Ideally, revision of pension every 2 years is fine and at max it can be 3 years. But the revision every 5 years will be a long time and unfair to veterans. A long term solution has to be found," Brigadier Nayar says.

On the question of the delay in OROP having a repercussion on soldiers currently serving in the armed forces, he says, "Soldiers are highly trained, motivated, disciplined and nothing can come in between their duty towards the nation. But side effects cannot be ignored."

Brigadier Nayar adds that he will abide by the decision taken by the organising committee in its entirety.

Backing Brigadier Nayar is Colonel VN Thapar (retired) who also negates the government's proposal of revising pension every 5 years. "The government's proposal dilutes the very principle of One Rank One Pension. It should be revised every year or maximum every two years."

Wing Commander Vinod Nebb (retired) denies any such rift within the organisation. He said, "According to the government's proposal it will be one rank and five pensions and if the government can revise DA every six months then what is the difficulty in revising pension every year. In order to save the government's face they can be given a window to escape and the proposal to revise pension every two years can be accepted."

Brigadier Onkar Singh Goraya (retired) has written to Lt Gen Singh asking him to accept whatever the government is offering. "As a soldier we have fought the war but we cannot afford to lose any of teh veterans who are on fast-unto-death."

While negotiations go on between government functionaries and defence veterans, there is no let up in the protest by ex-servicemen at Jantar Mantar.

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