EBay lawyer: Craigslist 'sought' criminal probe
EBay lawyer: Craigslist 'sought' criminal probe
The two companies have been litigating for years in a San Francisco civil court.

San Francisco: A criminal investigation involving eBay is a "game changer" that should slow Craigslist's attempts to obtain documents and depositions in a parallel civil case, an eBay lawyer said in court. The US Department of Justice has launched a criminal probe into whether eBay employees took confidential information from classified ad website Craigslist as eBay sought to build a rival service.

The two companies have also been litigating for years in a San Francisco civil court over similar allegations that eBay took a stake in Craigslist and misappropriated information. In a hearing on Thursday, eBay attorney Mark Lambert said Craigslist "sought" the criminal investigation. A grand jury subpoena was issued in San Jose, California, last week on behalf of the US Justice Department.

"It names lots of individuals and creates tremendous uncertainty," Lambert said.

San Francisco Superior Court Judge Richard Kramer said he was mindful of the "constitutional implications" of the probe, as individuals may not answer questions in a deposition for fear of implicating themselves in the investigation. However, Kramer said he would not order a "complete cessation" of the civil case because of the criminal probe. Craigslist attorney Michael Clyde opposed eBay's request to slow interviews in the case. "We don't think the criminal subpoena has any impact on this case," Clyde said. After the hearing, Clyde declined to comment on whether Craigslist sought the criminal probe.

Last year, a Delaware Chancery Court judge ruled that Craigslist properly removed an eBay representative from its board. The judge also ruled that Craigslist could not dilute eBay's 28.4 per cent stake in the company. The civil case in San Francisco Superior Court is Craigslist Inc. v. eBay Inc.

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