Eega: Filmmakers stands firm against piracy
Eega: Filmmakers stands firm against piracy
Despite of sending notices to theatres, a piracy copy of 'Eega' was out on the day of the film's release.

Lawful action against pirates has been intensified in the past few weeks. Before the release of Eega and Naan Ee, notices were sent to theatre managements asking them to be awake to the dangers of piracy and reminding them of their responsibility in averting the menace. "Despite that, some of them were reckless. A piracy copy of Naan Ee was out on the day of the film's release. This was possible only because of their negligence. So far, a theatre in Karnataka and another one in Chittoorh district have been seized in this connection. The licenses too have been cancelled. The mail id's of those indulging in piracy have been closed. We need the support of film producers also. They should be willing to co-operate in our efforts without thinking about the costs involved. Only with the concerted effort of producers, exhibitors and the police, we can eliminate piracy, which is eating into the profits of the film industry", Suresh Babu said.

Rajamouli said that it is now possible to avert piracy by using the available technology. "It is a crime to upload and download a pirated movie. By deciphering the water mark on the print, it is possible to find out where and when the pirated print was produced. Earlier, an employee of the theatre used to check the audience in the middle of the cinema. This practice should be reintroduced by the managements again."

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