Ex-guerrilla killed; Kashmir grenade blast injures two
Ex-guerrilla killed; Kashmir grenade blast injures two
No one claimed responsibility for the two attacks.

Srinagar: Guerrillas late Tuesday shot at and killed a former militant in Anantnag district of Jammu and Kashmir while two people were wounded in a grenade blast in Baramulla district, officials said.

A police officer said guerrillas fired from close range at Munawar Zaman Malik, a former militant and shopkeeper, in Arwani village of Anantnag district late Tuesday.

"Malik received critical bullet injuries and was evacuated to a hospital for treatment. However, he succumbed to his injuries," the officer said.

Meanwhile, two people were injured in a powerful hand grenade explosion in Sopore town, 54 km from Srinagar, Tuesday evening.

Police said guerrillas hurled a grenade at a paramilitary camp that missed the target and exploded on the road, injuring two people. They were shifted to a hospital for treatment.

Security forces later searched the area.

No one claimed responsibility for the two attacks.

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