Expert Shares Ways To Protect Cotton Crop From Pests During Monsoon
Expert Shares Ways To Protect Cotton Crop From Pests During Monsoon
An expert said that 2.5 millimetres of Peprine mixed with drops of oil to the plants can protect cotton crops from pests.

The onset of monsoons is a sigh of relief for farmers. The shower spells mean their crops thriving and lush greens all around. It will also mean a significant increase in groundwater levels. However, insufficient or torrential downpours can pose challenges for the farmers as they can destroy the crops. Additionally, the increase in humidity in the air during this time makes the crops prone to diseases.

India is known to commonly grow crops like rice, maize and cotton. During monsoon, the cotton crops are prone to diseases. These crops are vulnerable to pests that suck out their sap like aphids and whiteflies and create havoc on these crops. So, how can one identify these diseases and prevent them? Well, in recent times, hybrid seeds have been widely used for the commercial growth of cotton crops. However, experts suggest that before sowing these seeds, they should be treated.

In an interview with Local18, Agricultural scientist, Vijayabhaskar shared that 2.5 millimetres of Peprine mixed with drops of oil to the plants can protect cotton crops from such pests. Additionally, experts suggest spraying cotton crops with 2.5 millimetres of Trapanophos to prevent diseases. Farmers are also advised to thoroughly check the seeds once or twice before purchasing them for sowing.

Here are a few other ways to get rid of diseased crops or prevent pests and diseases.

Remove any diseased plants and leaves to reduce the breeding and spread of bacteria

Choose a crop variety with strong disease resistance to reduce disease occurrence.

Take corresponding control measures to ensure that the occurrence of diseases decreases in the plants.

Use special foliar fertilisers can be applied to enhance the disease resistance of crops.

Apply biological soil conditioner in the seedling stage or seed treatment to strengthen crop root system health.

Taking these measures will help in keeping the cotton crops intact and disease-free.

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