Family says Habib hid in plane to escape torture
Family says Habib hid in plane to escape torture
Habib's wife says he complained of starvation, long working hours.

New Delhi: Habib Hussain's family maintains that the man, despite flying from Medina to Jaipur after hiding in the loo of an Air India flight, is innocent.

Habib's wife and brother say Habib hid on the Air India flight to Jaipur in a desperate attempt to flee torture from his employees.

Habib's wife Hamisha says her husband used to complain of starvation and prolonged working hours while in Medina.

In a major security breach the 25-year-old from Moradabad in Uttar Pradesh travelled without ticket or passport from Medina to Jaipur, and has been booked under the Passport Act even as his interrogation so far has not revealed any intention to cause any harm.

His presence came to light about half an hour after the flight took off from Medina when a passenger went to the toilet.

Habib had sold his property to pay a travel agent for moving to Gulf for better employment opportunity and his family claims that the agent cheated on him by not securing for him the promised job.

Habib told police that he had gone to Saudi Arabia six months ago.

He, through a contractor there, got a job of a sweeper at the Medina airport and his employer took away his passport to ensure that he does not escape from the country.

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