FEFSI strike fails to gather steam in Kollywood
FEFSI strike fails to gather steam in Kollywood
CHENNAI: Even as FEFSIs strike enters its fourth day on Tuesday, shooting of movies has hardly been affected. While actor Kamal H..

CHENNAI: Even as FEFSI’s strike enters its fourth day on Tuesday, shooting of movies has hardly been affected. While actor Kamal Haasan’s Viswaroopam and director Bharathiraja’s Annakodiyum Kodiveeranum were reportedly shot in Mumbai and Theni, respectively, on Monday, Karunas-starrer Ragalaipuram will go on the floors on Tuesday after a two-day break. The Film Employees Federation of South India had announced a strike from April 7, following a long tussle with producers over revision of wages for film employees. And yet, shooting continued unhindered on Saturday and Monday.“Sunday is the official holiday for technicians. We took a break on Monday to finalise locations and we will be shooting a festival scene on Tuesday at Padi,” said director of Ragalaipuram, V Manohar. The workers’ crew included a fair share of FEFSI members and freshers to be inducted in the new Tamil Nadu Film Employees’ Welfare Association (TNFEA), according to Ragalaipuram.Manohar said he shot an important sequence with the help of about 25 technicians on Saturday and added that the festival sequence to be canned on Tuesday would have about 250 members including junior artists. He said workers didn’t cause any trouble and worked without any hassle. Producer Gnanavel Raja of Studio Green said FEFSI members did get threatening calls that their authorisation would be cancelled if they didn’t abide by FEFSI’s strike. “We couldn’t get technicians, but managed with who we had,” he said. A few sequences were shot with actors Karthi and Santhanam on Saturday, but shooting will resume later based on availability of actors.”Meanwhile, FEFSI has issued a press release stating the cancellation of their proposed strike for shooting for the small screen following written requests from government officials, small screen producers council and directors’ council. This strike was initially supposed to be held on Tuesday.

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