Gaddafi would agree to transition talks: report
Gaddafi would agree to transition talks: report
The Portuguese Foreign Ministry said the envoy met Amado to explain Tripoli's view of the conflict.

Lisbon: Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi would agree to talks on the transition of power, Portuguese daily Publico on Thursday quoted a diplomatic source as saying after Foreign Minister Luis Amado met Gaddafi's envoy in Lisbon.

The source told Public, the message had to be taken with caution as it was given in response to Amado's proposals for a cessation of hostilities against the rebels and a peaceful change of power in the north African country.

"The emissary of the Libyan leader told Amado that Tripoli would accept 'to begin a negotiations process for a transition'," Publico said.

"It is too early, however, to evaluate the real intention of this message and to what extent it is not just a circumstantial declaration ... the message was not presented at the start of the meeting," it said.

The Portuguese Foreign Ministry said the envoy met Amado to explain Tripoli's view of the conflict.

Portugal was chosen this week to chair the United Nations Security Council's committee on sanctions.

The ministry did not name the envoy and did not give further details of the meeting, saying only it was "part of the preparation of the extraordinary meetings of the European Union Foreign Affairs Council and the European Council to be held in the next few days".

Amado is in Brussels on Thursday to take part in a Foreign Affairs Council meeting that will discuss Libya.

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