Google alerts Gmail users of Buzz retirement
Google alerts Gmail users of Buzz retirement
Google had earlier announced that it is shutting down the controversial social networking product.

New Delhi: Google is now alerting Gmail users about the impending retirement of its Buzz service. The notification in a yellow box reads, "Google Buzz is going away, but your posts are yours to keep" and directs users to a page that provides further information on how users can port their Google Buzz data.

Google had, about two weeks ago, announced that it is shutting down the controversial social networking product. The shut-down comes as part of Google's housecleaning effort announced in early September, in which the company said it will shut down a number of products and merging others into existing products as features.

In about two weeks from now, users will no longer be able to create any new posts on Google Buzz. While the Google Buzz content created/shared by users will remain on their Google Profiles, they also have the option to download their Buzz data via Google Takeout, a Google service that allows users to download a copy of thewir data stored within Google products.

"Changing the world takes focus on the future, and honesty about the past. We learned a lot from products like Buzz, and are putting that learning to work every day in our vision for products like Google+," said Google in a blog post.

Google Buzz, a social networking and messaging tool integrated into Gmail service, has been widely criticised for privacy concerns and held back the search giant from expanding its businesses to the social networking space. After Buzz, Google launched Google+ in June, which has been receiving a good response and passed the 40 million user mark, the company's chief executive officer Larry Page said.

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