Gore to stay out of US presidential race
Gore to stay out of US presidential race
Although Gore has said he would not be in the race for the White House, political observers have not ruled him out.

Washington: Former US Vice-President Al Gore has ruled himself out of the list of Democratic candidates seeking a nomination for the post of US President in 2008.

"I have no plans to be a candidate for president again. I don't expect to ever be a candidate for president again," Gore told ABC's 'This Week' television programme.

"I can't imagine any circumstances in which I would become a candidate again. I have found other ways to serve. I am enjoying them," said Gore, who unsuccessfully contested against George W Bush in the 2000 US presidential election.

Instead, the former vice-president said he wanted to spend time working on pressing environmental issues.

"I honestly believe that the highest and best use of my skills and experience is to try to change the minds of people in the US and elsewhere in the world about this planetary emergency that we simply have to confront," he said.

Although Gore has said he would not be in the race for the White House, political observers have not ruled him out as a possible contender.

In fact, Senator Joseph Biden, an aspirant for the nomination himself, has pointed out Gore would be a strong candidate who will undoubtedly strengthen the debate within the party.

"He would be viable, and he would be welcome. It would add to the debate in this party to have him," Biden said.

Other leading contenders for the Democrat nomination include Senators Hillary Clinton of New York, Russ Feingold of Wisconsin and John Kerry of Massachusetts, the 2004 Democrat nominee who eventually lost to Bush.

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