Have fun while parenting
Have fun while parenting
CHENNAI: While kids tend to be quite a handful in their early years, most parents hope that the tantrums will go away once they m..

CHENNAI: While kids tend to be quite a handful in their early years, most parents hope that the tantrums will go away once they ‘mature’ enough. Not true.Although there are no manuals on parenting, sometimes a workshop taught by parents themselves can be a big help. ‘Love and Logic’ is a parenting technique that has been followed worldwide by parents, teachers and working professionals from 1977. The system follows simple yet practical techniques to help parents with children of all ages to raise responsible children, have more fun in the parenting role and most importantly make immediate changes in the child’s behavior. California-based Mark and Georgina Aubin, facilitators of this programme will be conducting a two part workshop in the city, this weekend. And raising four boisterous boys themselves (ages 3-12), they do have several firsthand techniques to share. Mark offers, “We find that a lot of children are given too many choices by their parents that yield negative results.” So what happens when your kid refuses to do something? He elaborates, “Our first son didn’t like brushing his teeth, so after a few nights of trying to coax him into it without success, we gave him two toothbrushes and asked him to pick one. We didn’t have too much trouble after that.”For parenting to be effective, the most important thing is that both parents are in agreement, otherwise it simply won’t work. Asked whether the couple finds any major differences in family values as compared to the US, and he responds, “From our limited exposure to families here in India, I would say that children are children, and families are families all over the world. The priority with Love and Logic is to give practical techniques that help parents set and enforce the limits they know are good for their children wherever they are.”(The Love and Logic workshop will be held on August 27 and 28 at the Unwind Center, Adyar. For more details, contact 9841379494, 65274472 )

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