Lucknow: The power tussle between the IAS and IPS officers in Uttar Pradesh is now out in the open with Noida District Magistrate (Gautam Buddha Nagar) Brajesh Narayan Singh cancelling recent posting of seven SHOs by SSP Dr Ajay Pal Singh. The tug-of-war was triggered when the state government ordered that superintendents of police will have to take the approval of district magistrates for posting and transfer of SHOs.
On Friday night, DM Brajesh Narayan Singh wrote a letter to SSP Dr Ajay Pal Singh and objected to the new posting of the SHOs without his consent as per the new rules laid by the state government. “The state government issued an order on May 9 stating that the superintendents of police will have to take the approval of district magistrates for posting and transfer of SHOs. But without taking approval of the DM, seven inspectors were posted at police stations in the district. This was clear violation of the state government order,” the DM’s letter said.
Brajesh Narayan Singh further wrote that although the SSP is head of the district police force, according to the state government order, he will have to take approval of the DM for the transfer and posting of SHOs. “Since the SSP has overlooked the order, he was left with no option but to cancel the transfer order issued by the SSP,” he said.
On Wednesday, Principal Secretary (Home) Arvind Kumar issued the order that said SPs across districts will have to take clearance from the district magistrate regarding posting of SHOs.
Request @CMOfficeUP to withdraw the order requiring approval of DMs before posting SHOs. Order is in conflict with law laid down by Hon'ble Supreme Court and High Court. It displays distrust in the police leadership and will demoralise SPs. @PMOIndia@HMOIndia— IPS Association (@IPS_Association) May 10, 2018
Reacting sharply, the IPS Association tweeted to CM Yogi Adityanath to withdraw the order. “Order is in conflict with the law laid down by Hon’ble Supreme court and High Court. It displays distrust in the police leadership and will demoralise SPs,” the association tweeted.
Besides CM Yogi, the IPS Association has also raised the matter with UP DGP OP Singh and has urged him to take up the matter with the state
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