Illegal Indian immigrant guilty of murder in UK
Illegal Indian immigrant guilty of murder in UK
Gemma Dorman was stabbed by former lover Vikramgit Singh.

London: An illegal immigrant from India who carried out a frenzied knife attack on his former girlfriend in London in July 2008 after harassing her over a prolonged period, was on Tuesday found guilty of murder and faces a life sentence.

Gemma Dorman, 24, was stabbed repeatedly outside a Thai restaurant by former lover Vikramgit Singh, 25.

Dorman had been having dinner with her fiance in south-west London, when she went out to get cash. Singh was waiting for her and attacked her at a bus shelter with a 7 inch kitchen knife, the Old Bailey court was told.

Richard Whittam, prosecuting lawyer, said: "It was a brutal attack on a defenceless woman."

Two months before the murder, Dorman had told the police that Singh was stalking her and bombarding her with hundreds of text messages.

Her mother had also complained about Singh.

The court was told that Singh was "infatuated" with Dorman and paid £200 to have a large heart-shaped tattoo with her name in it on his back.

In a letter to her proclaiming his love, he reportedly wrote: "Fish can't live without water. I can't live without you."

Singh claimed in court that he had given her cash totalling £260,000 as well as gifts including jewellery and computers.

He said they had planned to set up home together and get married, but she allegedly dumped him after he ran out of money.

Singh admitted the stabbing but claimed he could not remember it. He denied murder, claiming provocation, diminished responsibility, and lack of intent.

But his defence was rejected by the jury, which found him guilty of murder by an 11-1 majority.

He now faces a life sentence.

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