Iran flipflops over nuke issue
Iran flipflops over nuke issue
Iranian media say Tehran is willing to return to serious talks on its nuke program, which Bush terms significant.

United Nations: The Iranian media reports say that Tehran is willing to return to serious talks on its nuclear program and the Bush administration calls this a "significant moment" in the nuclear standoff with Iran.

However, Iran's top nuclear negotiator, Ali Larijani is apparently not giving any sign of Iran putting an end to its nuclear activities.

After much fanfare, Iran gave no public indication it was ready to accept International demands and freeze its nuclear enrichment program.

Iran did say it wants serious negotiations but offered little to calm fears that the country wants to expand its nuclear program even as the country's foreign minister criticised the United Nations Security Council (UNSC).

The European Union is trying to woo Iran witha package of economic incentives only if the country would cooperate.

Says US Ambassador to UN, John Bolton, "If Iran doesn't cooperate, we have made it clear that their unwillingness to give up their pursuit of nuclear weapons will result in our efforts in UNSC to obtain economic sanctions against them."

However, China and Russia would be opposed to a rush to impose sanctions. Both countries, with large business dealings in Iran, believe the region is too unstable to start slapping sanctions on tehran.

Even with a negative response, some diplomats may pin their hopes on Iran changing its mind by August 31, the final day for Iran to decide under the UNSC resolution.

Says President, UNSC, Nana Effah-Apenteng,"So in between anything can happen, in between August 22 and and August 31 anything can happen."

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