Khap Panchayat Orders to Display Girl Child’s Name on The Nameplates in UP’s Meerut
Khap Panchayat Orders to Display Girl Child’s Name on The Nameplates in UP’s Meerut
The initiative was started by the principal of a girls’ inter college.

Khap Panchayats, infamous for its extra-judicial decrees, are once again back in news but this time for a positive move. To promote better upbringing of the girls, a Khap panchayat in Meerut district of Uttar Pradesh has passed an order to display names of the girls on the name plates of the houses.

According to reports, the heads of a Khap Panchayat in Meerut have asked villagers to display the name of their daughters in the name plates placed in the front gate or the main entrance of the houses.

The credit goes to Principal of Malhu Singh Kanya Inter College Dr Neera Tomar. The college principal conducted several meetings with the panchayat heads of Meerut before the change in name plates.

According to villagers of Meeerut, Neera Tomar in her meetings with the panchayat heads made them understand how girls are scripting success in all fields and making their parents proud.

Initially the Malhu Singh Kanya Inter College principal did not get a good response from the panchayat heads but with each meeting a change of heart was seen. Soon after understanding how girls from various fields are giving throat cut competition to boys and even performing better, the panchayat heads also decided to pass an order asking all parents to display the nameplates of their houses in their girl child’s name.

According to another villager, the decision was welcomed by many locals. “The step will change the conservative mindset of people that only a male child of a family can bring name and fame for the family. A few people still living with medieval age mindsets will also have a change in their attitude for a girl child after seeing other girls bringing fame for their families and villages,” said the villager.

The Khap Panchayat heads along with Neera Tomar are going to house of each student studying in the Malhu Singh Kanya Inter College and appraising their parents for promoting their girl to pursue higher education and requesting them to replace existing nameplates with new ones having names of their daughters.

Parents of a girl said, “Our girl will surely bring fame to our family and the village.”

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