N-deal may hit Obama wall due to new arms adviser
N-deal may hit Obama wall due to new arms adviser
The adviser is accused of keeping India in the nuclear doghouse for years.

New Delhi: The Indo-US nuclear deal could be badly hit by the US administration's latest moves. The man accused for keeping India in the nuclear doghouse for decades, Robert Einhorn, has been given a key position by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Robert Einhorn was named the special adviser on non-proliferation and arms control. He is known to have told a Senate committee that the Bush administration undermined non-proliferation by signing the nuclear deal with India.

He is likely to be the Obama administration's point-person on the NPT and is expected to try and push India into signing it.

Einhorn and his staff will "provide advice and support" to Clinton and other officials on non-proliferation and arms controls issues, and will "help develop and implement administration policies and diplomatic strategies" in those areas, State Department spokesman Robert Wood said in a statement.

Einhorn previously served in the State Department for 29 years, including as assistant secretary of state for non-proliferation during the administration of former president Bill Clinton, said the spokesman.

Indian nuclear scientists warn that Einhorn may delay nuclear trade if India refuses to sign, but US nuclear firms will suffer the most from any delay.

India has already signed bilateral civil nuclear agreements with Russia and France, which will go ahead.

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