Olympic torch plays hide and seek in San Francisco
Olympic torch plays hide and seek in San Francisco
Protesters also hurriedly changed plans and chased the rerouted flame.

San Francisco: The Olympic torch played hide and seek with thousands of demonstrators and spectators crowding San Francisco's waterfront on Wednesday before being spirited away without a formal goodbye on its only stop in the United States.

After its parade was rerouted and shortened to prevent disruptions by massive crowds of anti-China protesters, the planned closing ceremony at the waterfront was canceled and moved to San Francisco International Airport.

The flame was put directly on a plane and was not displayed.

The last-minute changes to the route and the site of the closing ceremony were made amid security concerns following chaotic protests in London and Paris of China's human rights record in Tibet and elsewhere, but they effectively prevented many spectators who wanted to see the flame from witnessing the historic moment.

As it made its way through the streets of San Francisco, the flame traveled in switchbacks and left the crowds confused and waiting for a parade that never arrived.

Protesters also hurriedly changed plans and chased the rerouted flame.

Mayor Gavin Newsom told The Associated Press that the well-choreographed switch of the site of the closing ceremony was prompted by the size and behavior of the crowds massing outside AT&T Park.

There was "a disproportionate concentration of people in and around the start of the relay," he said in a phone interview while traveling in a caravan that accompanied the torch.

Less than an hour before the relay began, officials cut the original six-mile (10-kilometer) route nearly in half.

China's state-run Xinhua News Agency reported early on Thursday that the San Francisco leg proceeded without major disruptions, although the route had been changed "due to threats by Tibetan separatists and their supporters to storm the relay."

There were signs of tension even before the torch relay began.

Pro-Tibet and pro-China groups were given side-by-side permits to demonstrate, and representatives from both sides spilled from their sanctioned sites across a major street and shouted at each other nose to nose, with no visible police presence to separate them.

At least one torchbearer decided to show her support for Tibetan independence during her moment in the spotlight.

After being passed the Olympic flame, Majora Carter pulled out a small Tibetan flag that she had hidden in her shirt sleeve.


"They pulled me out of the race, and then San Francisco police officers pushed me back into the crowd on the side of the street," Carter said.

Farther along the planned route, about 200 Chinese college students mobbed a car carrying two people waving Tibetan flags in front of the city's Pier 39 tourist destination.

The students, who arrived by bus from the University of California, Davis, banged drums and chanted "Go Olympics" in Chinese.

"I'm proud to be Chinese and I'm outraged because there are so many people who are so ignorant they don't know Tibet is part of China," Yi Che said. "It was and is and will forever be part of China."

The torch's 85,000-mile (137,000-kilometer), 20-nation global journey is the longest in Olympic history, and is meant to build excitement for the Beijing Games.

But it has also been targeted by activists angered over China's human rights record.

One of the runners who planned to carry the torch dropped out earlier this week because of safety concerns, officials said. The torchbearers competed not only with people protesting China's grip on Tibet, but its support for the governments of Myanmar and Sudan.

Local officials say they support the diversity of viewpoints, but tightened security following chaotic protests during the torch's stops in London and Paris and a demonstration Monday in which activists hung banners from the Golden Gate bridge.

Vans were deployed to haul away arrested protesters, and flights were restricted over the city to media helicopters, medical emergency carriers and law enforcement aircraft.

Law enforcement agencies erected metal barricades and readied running shoes, bicycles and motorcycles for officers preparing to shadow the runners.

Peter Ueberroth, chairman of the United States Olympic Committee, said the U.S. had struck the right balance between preserving freedom of speech for protesters, providing an exhilarating experience for the torchbearers, and preventing a repeat of the chaotic demonstrations that accompanied the torch in London and Paris.

"As close as anybody can do in a free society, so far its looking very good," Ueberroth said. "Virtually anybody and everybody is being heard."

The Olympic flame began its worldwide trek from Ancient Olympia in Greece to Beijing on March 24, and was the focus of protests right from the start.

Although torchbearers in other cities have complained of aggressive behaviour by paramilitary police in blue track suits sent by Beijing to guard the Olympic flame, there was no evidence of problems in California.


San Francisco was chosen to host the relay in part because of its large Chinese-American population.

In Beijing, International Olympic Committee President Jacques Rogge met with Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao on Wednesday to discuss preparations for the games, and "a range of games topics were discussed," the IOC said.

Rogge is to give more details at a news conference Friday, when the IOC's executive board is to discuss on Friday whether to end the remaining international legs of the relay after San Francisco because of widespread protest.

The torch is scheduled to travel to Buenos Aires, Argentina, and then to a dozen other countries before arriving in China on May 4. The Olympics begin August 8.

Rogge has refrained from criticizing China, saying he prefers to engage in "silent diplomacy" with the Chinese.

In an interview broadcast on Wednesday on the VRT television network in his native Belgium, Rogge warned that pushing China too hard on Tibet and human rights would be counterproductive.

"If you know China, you know that mounting the barricades and using tough language will have the opposite effect," he said. "China will close itself off from the rest of the world, which, don't forget it, it has done for some 2,000 years."

Meanwhile on Wednesday, the White House said anew that President George W. Bush would attend the Olympics, but left open the possibility that he would skip the opening ceremonies.

Asked whether Bush would go to that portion of the games, White House press secretary Dana Perino demurred, citing the fluid nature of a foreign trip schedule this far out and the many factors that go into devising it.

A spokesman for Prime Minister GordonBrown said the British leader will not attend the opening ceremony.

Brown's office said the decision was not aimed at sending a message of protest to the Chinese government, that Olympics Minister Tessa Jowell will represent the British government at the opening, and that Brown would attend the closing ceremony.

London is hosting the 2012 Olympics and British officials were expected to attend events throughout the games.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy has said he is debating not attending the opening ceremony as a protest of China's crackdown in Tibet.

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