Organ donation: Bike trip planned
Organ donation: Bike trip planned
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Kurian Thoompumkal is a middle-aged man from Changanassery, a simple man one is likely to meet on the streets...

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Kurian Thoompumkal is a middle-aged man from Changanassery, a simple man one is likely to meet on the streets. However, he is the last man you would expect to carry out a nationwide motorcycle ride for a cause. But that is exactly what the man plans to do from Monday, June 27. His cause - to spread awareness about organ donation. Kurian is a huge advocate of organ donation and laments the lack of awareness on the same in both state and country. “One would expect that a state with such high literacy and healthcare services such as Kerala to have a vibrant organ donation network. Sadly, that is not the case,” he told a press conference here on Friday. However, he is determined to do his bit to promote such a culture. He is planning to embark on a motorcycle ride, from Kanyakumari to Khardung La in Kashmir, spreading the message of organ donation across the country. “There are approximately 10 lakh blind people in India, but only around 30,000 eyes are donated in India per year. Similarly, around one and a half lakh people need new kidneys every year. Same is the case with other vital organs such as the heart and liver. Unfortunately, very few donors come forward,” he says. When asked how he plans to create an upward drive in organ donations, Kurian says that the best he can do is to spread the message.  “My son died at the age of sixteen. It was his wish to donate his eyes, kidneys and other organs to the needy,” says Kurian. “Today, many people lie brain dead in hospitals, in a vegetative state,” explains Kurian. “There is little or almost no hope that these people will live. Family members of such patients should be ready to donate vital organs to the needy who could lead a fruitful life through successful organ transplants.” Kurian is perfectly aware of the challenges he may have to face en route his journey. “I realise that I may face many hardships as I travel thousands of kilometres. I lay my effort and any hardships I may face at the feet of those suffering in hospitals for want of an organ transplant,” said Kurien. Kurian’s venture is being sponsored by YMCA International and Stanley George Foundation. The latter was started by Kurian in memory of his son.

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