Patients suffer at Erragadda Mental Hospital
Patients suffer at Erragadda Mental Hospital
HYDERABAD: At the three decade-old Institute of Mental Health in Erragadda, the problems for mentally ill patients are many and th..

HYDERABAD: At the three decade-old Institute of Mental Health in Erragadda, the problems for mentally ill patients are many and they don’t just concern their treatment. The patients are also facing problems of shelter, security, unhygienic surroundings and third-grade food.The dormitory which provides lodging for the patients is dark even at mid-day with only one tube-light functioning in the entire room. Since the hospital has no compound wall, the noise of vehicles including bikes causes discomfort for patients. With virtually no security present, people of different age groups have made the premises into a playground. Patients have also set up firewood-stoves and are cooking their own food as the hospital food is of third-rate quality.The roof in the third male open ward is on the verge of collapse, with rain water seeping in, making the walls damp. With no provision for heating equipment, patients have to stay out of the ward and fight for peace with people playing in the premises. There are about 310 patients admitted in six open wards and two in-wards.“We do not have any security and are frightened of people entering at will in the hospital,” says a mentally ill patient, N Vittal (40). Vittal who hails from the Chikod village in Medak district was admitted to the male ward II on August 16. He was told by doctors to stay here for three to five weeks as his problem is a bit serious. His wife and mother are also staying with him at the hospital. His wife N Jayamma complains, “Patients are given very bad food which is not even fit for the dogs. Every day at 7 a.m, they get only upma, which is the same breakfast all week. At 12 noon, half-cooked rice with single curry and pulusu (soup) is served. It is same for dinner at 5 pm.”Jannu Saraih (55), a patient in male ward III said, “We hardly have any security with people of all kinds moving around. Moreover, people are playing and shouting inside the compound all the time. There are also not enough doctors to make regular visits to patients’ wards. There is no proper treatment and supply of medicines.”In April, the National Humans Rights Commission had asked the hospital authorities to acknowledge deficiencies in administering the hospital and correct them immediately. “But so far no action has been taken,” said a senior psychiatrist at the IMH. The hospital is spread over 45 acres but it is not well-maintained with wild outgrowth, unhygienic surroundings and damaged roads the norm. The hospital is also suffering from lack of manpower. Out of the 305 sanctioned posts, only 239 have been filled.Dr V Pramod Kumar, superintendent of IMH denies all plaguing troubles. “We provide nutritious food to patients and the premises is green. Of course there is a bit of disturbance from outside but we have filed complaints at the police station against people disturbing patients. We will soon fill the rest of vacancies in posts of doctors and other staff.”SR Nagar police inspector K Krishna Murthy said, “We did not get any complaints about security problems at the IMH but I have got five to seven complaints about missing mentally ill patients.”

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