Rare surgery for cancer cure at city hospital
Rare surgery for cancer cure at city hospital
BANGALORE: The first biological reconstruction for Ewing's Sarcoma, which is a malignant bone tumour, in India was performed at HC..

BANGALORE: The first biological reconstruction for Ewing's Sarcoma, which is a malignant bone tumour, in India was performed at HCG here on Friday. Ewing's Sarcoma is a rare disease in which cancer cells are found in the bone or in the soft tissue. The surgery was performed on a nine-year-old boy from Delhi. Dr Pramod S Chindar, Ortho Oncologist, HCG, said, "In India there is not much awareness about the biological reconstruction for Ewing's Sarcoma. Biological reconstruction was performed, where the human bone was transplanted. The bone was imported from a bone bank in Italy for this surgery."Dr Marco Manfrini, Senior orthopedic surgeon, Institute Ortopedico Rizzoli, Italy, said, "Ewing's Sarcoma is a malignant tumour. This technique of biological construction of Ewing's Sarcoma has been performed for quite some time. The cost involved in this surgery is much lower than the artificial structures. This is the first time such a surgery is being performed in a hospital in India.""Organ preservation and quality of life is our main focus. After detail examination of the patient, we found that there was a possibility to save the limb of the patient through biological reconstruction," said Dr B S Ajaikumar, HCG.Bone BankTo ensure that organs are preserved and quality of life is improved HCG will be setting the first bone bank in Karnataka.

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