Residents near temple unruffled
Residents near temple unruffled
 THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The stupendous valuables discovered deep inside the dark-ridden vaults of Sree Padmanabha Swamy Temple h..

 THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The stupendous valuables discovered deep inside the dark-ridden vaults of Sree Padmanabha Swamy Temple have infused an air of vigil and activity in the temple. Ever since the tale of treasures crossed borders, the temple has been witnessing a steady inflow of people, which, to some of the local men, is unusual at this point of time.The revelation of treasures has fortified the temple stronger than ever before. At every corner of the temple can be seen armed policemen and commandos warily filtering every single soul frequenting the temple.However, the change of air has in no way altered the mood of those who reside on the purlieu of the temple. Without any concerns and complaints, they continue to leave everything to the will of Lord Padmanabha. They are vague about the possibility of an eviction. They are unruffled by the sudden presence of khaki-men everywhere. ‘’These are all affairs related to temple and government. Why should we be over-bothered about all such things?’’ asks Sasidharan, who carves wooden idols of gods in a small building close to the temple. Saraswathy, who has always been a devout of Padmanabha since her childhood, says that she has not even thought about the possibility of having to go away from the proximity of God. ‘’This is where I was born and grew up. All these treasures that you are talking about have always been there in the temple. Just because it is revealed, our lives are not going to change. We don’t even talk about eviction. Should we have to do that?’’ wonders Saraswathy, who sells banana chips in front of the temple. She is also glad that the unexpected influx of tourists has boosted her business, which, otherwise, is on a lull during monsoon.  The local people and some of the oldest devouts residing in and around the temple premises are not at all grumpy about the securitymen. ‘’How could the presence of securitymen affect the ambience of the temple? They are here because of their duty. We have absolutely no complaints about the security measures. We know they are here to guard the temple and we are only happy to let them do their job,’’ says Jalaja, a housewife.

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