Moscow: Russia wants changes to be made to a draft United Nations resolution that orders Iran to curb its nuclear ambitions; Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Kislyak was quoted as saying on Saturday.
Kislyak said that Russia was unhappy with a draft UN Security Council resolution on Iran's nuclear program, but that an offer to enrich Iran's uranium remained open.
Kislyak added the draft resolution, prepared by Britain and France and backed by the US and Germany, needed "major alterations", Interfax news agency reported.
"Consultations are only just starting and this is a diplomatic process, not for the press."
The question of how to deal with Iran's nuclear ambitions is at the centre of intense diplomacy between the world's major powers.
Iran maintains it has a right to nuclear energy and that its activities are not aimed at producing weapons. The US says Iran is using its energy programme as a cover to develop a nuclear bomb.
Russia, a veto-wielding member of the UN Security Council, says it is unclear whether Iran has, or is seeking to acquire, the technology to produce nuclear weapons.
Russia and China on Friday opposed key provisions in the draft resolution. They object to the use of Chapter 7 of the UN Charter, which allows for sanctions and even military action, though a separate resolution is required to specify either step.
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