'Setting up of court for Italian marines trial delayed'
'Setting up of court for Italian marines trial delayed'
The Home Ministry is now consulting top law officers, including the Attorney General, regarding the case.

New Delhi: Home Ministry sources said on Monday that the setting up a special court for the trial of Italian marines may be delayed. Home ministry has sought clarification on a Supreme Court order about setting up the special court.

It is consulting top law officers including the Attorney General regarding the case. The two Italian marines, Massimiliano Latorre and Salvatore Girone, charged with the murder of two Kerala fishermen, may be back in the country, but the drama is far from over. Italy, who agreed to send back the marines, reversing its earlier decision, still maintains they must be tried in Rome.

"We maintain our position and I would like to restate it, while respecting the Supreme Court we're in India, that in our position, military should be judged in our own country," Italy's Deputy Foreign Minister Staffan de Mistura said. Speaking exclusively to Karan Thapar, Mistura also said the marines were lured into Indian waters by the Kerala police.

Asked why one of the marines returned back to Cochin, Mistura said the Captain was lured into returning by Kerala Police. "I can tell you what I know rather than confirming because I hope the Indian side would discover that. Point number one is what you said is correct. He was there. Point number two he returned not inside the national waters because he was never in national waters. But I will quote instead, I think a senior official of the Kerala Police, who actually very proudly said - "We lured him in"."

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