Shuttler Saina set to dazzle before her home crowd
Shuttler Saina set to dazzle before her home crowd
Saina will next play in the world championship in Hyderabad.

New Delhi: The last two weeks have been an eventful time for 19-year-old shuttler Saina Nehwal. Now ranked seventh in the world, the shuttler is fresh from her exploits in Indonesia where she won the Super Series title.

Indonesia is a country that follows badminton with the same passion as cricket in followed in India. So when an Indian teenager breaches a bastion as Saina did, it is a feat of gigantic proportions.

Saina became the first Indian woman to win a Super Series tournament last Sunday and it was a magical moment.

"I am really happy. I can't believe it. I think I won't be able to sleep tonight. It is a very good achievement and I am really proud of myself," Saina said after winning the Indonesia Super Series title on June 21.

Saina is a trailblazer among women, but she has plenty of inspiration to draw on from India's legendary male players.

Prakash Padukone was a world No. 1 and won the All England Championships in 1980. But it took more than two decades for another Indian to win the Wimbledon of badminton.

Pullela Gopichand repeated history in 2001 and is now Saina's coach and believes her progress is astounding.

"If you look at this tournament in terms of quality of tournament, it is as good as it can get. You will probably have the same line-up for any championships or the All England or of those tournaments," said Gopichand.

Following her mentor in winning the All England is among Saina's ambitions.

She is already knocking on the top 5 of the world and with a world championship in front of her home crowd in August, expect the Sania Nehwal story to add some more memorable chapters to it.

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