Silk Association demands hike in cocoon price
Silk Association demands hike in cocoon price
BANGALORE: An industry with a history that spans about 1,000 year, the Indian Sericulture industry has today reached crossroads.

BANGALORE: An industry with a history that spans about 1,000 year, the Indian Sericulture industry has today reached crossroads.The issue was discussed by a panel of members from the Silk Association of India and the Central Silk Board at a seminar. The seminar saw members from the Association explaining their problems. The seminar culminated with the submission of a memorandum to Chief Minister D V Sadananda Gowda by the members.“Any government department has to defend its budget for the next year with optimistic figures. Otherwise, the Finance Department will question our need for more funds when production is less,” argued V Balasubramanian, vice-president, Silk Association of India. “We are not able to get remunerative prices for the cocoon grown in Karnataka. Our basic demand was to provide financial subsidies to help improve productivity. We are asking for region-wise, climate-specific raises,” said Bhavani Shankar, treasurer of the Board.

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