SMS hospital doctor pays kids to imbibe Gandhian philosophy
SMS hospital doctor pays kids to imbibe Gandhian philosophy
A doctor in Rajasthan is spreading the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi among small children in a unique way.

A doctor in Rajasthan is spreading the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi among small children in a unique way.

Dr Virendra Singh, superintendent of Sawai Man Singh (SMS) Hospital, regularly organises workshops in Jaipur to spread the message of honesty and compassion among kids.

Influenced by life and teachings of Mahatma Gandhi, Singh gives Rs 100 and a postcard to every student attending the workshop.

"I ask them to use Rs 50 for someone who they see suffering or in need, and the rest on themselves. The children have to write the postcard to me how they used the money," Singh told IANS.

Rohit from Jaipur, who attended one of his workshops, wrote to the doctor how he helped a injured stray cow near his house. Singh has received hundreds of such postcards from children since he began organising workshops.

"In my workshops, I tell children how Gandhi in his childhood had sometimes lied and made wrong use of money, but how he later went on to become one of the world's most respected figures," he said.

"I also tell them that if an ordinary boy could become the Mahatma following some principals, they also can," said Singh.

The doctor said he makes his presentations based on feedbacks from the children who write to him postcards to make them more motivating. Virendra Singh is running these workshops since 2007.

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