Stem cells to insure your future
Stem cells to insure your future
With rapid strides in medical science, it could prove to be a good insurance policy for the future of your child.

Mumbai: The dynamics of modern medical science have begun throwing up new therapies to cure serious illnesses.

Stem cell research is one such example and could well prove to be the next big thing in curing diseases like cancer, Alzheimers, Parkinsons and spinal cord injuries.

Couples who are going to havae babies are increasingly registering themselves with cord blood banking units.

These units collect the cord blood at birth and take it to a high-tech lab in Chennai.

The stem cells are then separated from the cord blood and harvested in the lab under minus 196 degrees centigrade.

People do this to secure their child's health and protecting it from serious diseases in the future for stem cells play a huge role in treatment of illnesses usually considered malignant.

Says Sejal Desai, who is expecting her second child and has registered with a cord blood banking unit, "There is so much potential for the future of medicine with stem cell therapy. It may be a gray zone as of now but the chance that there may be a day when malignant diseases can be cured because of this therapy is something that we cannot throw away."

Her husband, Viral Desai agrees. "If ten years down the line I need some treatment for some disease, then this is going to help me and I think we are doing a great thing by registering with this unit. I don't want to think in the future that we had a chance and we missed it."

Stem cells are important to medical science because they are capable of regenerating into over 200 types of tissues in our body. These tissues can be transplanted to cure many serious ailments.

However, cord blood banking does not come cheap. Storing it for 21 years means an investment of Rs 60000. But people are not deterred and over 1500 people have already enrolled with Chennai-based Lifecell.

Vice-President Lifecell, Prasad Mangipudi says, "These stem cells can be used to treat the same baby. Also if someone in the family has cancer and if the stem cells' HLA match, the family member with cancer can be cured too."

While cord blood banking is still in its nascent stages in India, the US sees it as an integral part of its public healthcare program.

They have already announced federal funding of $ 100 million to conduct research to further this branch of medicine.

Even though the Indian government may not be in a position to launch an extensive program to fund this research, experts hope corporates and philantropists will bridge the gap.

Says Director of the Paedatric Children's hospital Washington, Dr Naynesh Kamani, "The absence of government funding for this programme is very conspicous. I think it would be very good if there is some philanthropic funding for such public cord blood banks. The government however, clearly clearly a resposnibilty to allocate the money where it's most acutely needed."

With rapid strides in medical science, it could prove to be a good insurance policy for your child's future.

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