Terror@SAARC: The big bytes
Terror@SAARC: The big bytes
Leaders from the participating nations discussed “bold” steps to tackle the problem and Manmohan Singh led the charge.

New Delhi: The 14th SAARC Summit began in New Delhi on Tuesday with terrorism featuring high on the agenda.

Leaders from the participating nations discussed “bold” steps to tackle the problem and Manmohan Singh led the charge, requesting member nations to fulfill the pledge and implement it sincerely in their respective nations.

"A primary requirement for the fulfillment of our vision of prosperity and cooperation in South Asia is peace. We should, therefore, implement in a meaningful and sincere manner the commitments and pledges to root out terrorism so as to create the atmosphere in which our endeavours can succeed," Singh was quoted as saying by the agencies.

Sri Lanka: Terror is equal

Singh’s voice found an echo in the other member nations with Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapakse even warning of increased terror perception should the member nations not take it seriously.

"Terrorism anywhere is terrorism and is a global menace," Rajapakse was quoted as saying. "Modern day terroristss operate in a multi-dimensional fashion. They operate politically, militarily, financially and ideologically, " he added.

Bangladesh: The root cause

Chief Adviser of Bangladesh Government Fakhruddin Ahmed highlighted the "root causes" behind terrorism. "We must make bold efforts to combat terrorism in all its forms and manifestations," he said

Nepal: The reverse gamble

Nepalese Prime Minister G P Koirala gave a new twist to the discussion and spoke on succeeding in bringing Maoists into the democratic mainstream. "I gambled 60 years of my political career when I started talks with the Maoists," he said.

Pakistan: The K factor

Pakistan Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz said differences between SAARC countries needed to be resolved through dialogue and compromise to promote an environment of genuine peace and security in South Asia.

In an obvious reference to the Kashmir imbroglio dogging ties between India and Pakistan for decades, he said the "obstacle" of the "trust deficit" which has hampered meaningful cooperation in the region should be removed.

Afghanistan: The new voice

Afghan President Hamid Karzai said extremism and terrosism should be eradicated in all forms including "political sponsorship and financing".

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