The seat of power: Pride or service?
The seat of power: Pride or service?
To overcome this fear and insecurity, people struggle for the seat of power. However, those who hanker after power can accomplish ..

To overcome this fear and insecurity, people struggle for the seat of power. However, those who hanker after power can accomplish very little even after having power. Ironically, even after assuming the seat of power they remain fearful.In fact, the fear increases manifold. Fear and tension block creativity - so you can’t do much, either for society or yourself.Often you hear ministers threatening to resign if they don’t get their way; but it is irresponsible to take pride in resigning from one’s post. This is not sacrifice; it is the act of renouncing a sacred duty assigned by the people.Most political leaders are ignorant of the concept of true service. Few venture beyond the boundaries of race, religion and nationality.Being confined thus, they do harm to themselves and others. So politicians, too, need to be educated in the conduct of state and social responsibility. Once you realise this, you don’t need a seat or position to serve the people. You can do better without a formal post as did Mahatma Gandhi. Ministers need to cultivate the ability to safeguard against sycophants.In fact, they should listen to the “inner voice”, following their own divine guidance, to sift the right from the wrong. We have to get out of the politics of hate and mistrust. True politics is to care for all people, regardless of differences in caste, religion, ideology, or language. When service becomes the aim of political power, actions will translate into development. However, often political parties come together because of common enemies rather than common goals. They unite on the basis of hatred and fear.Diverse parties should work together towards progress for the many. The politics of hatred should end. A landlord employed two gardeners and each was on duty on alternate days. Both were in disagreement as to how the garden should be. One would till the land and the other would come and undo what the other did. This went on for months. They kept undoing the other’s work. In the end, the land remained unproductive. All their effort was in vain. This is exactly what political parties do. Much time is wasted in mudslinging and in undoing the work of the others. India will shine truly when political parties complement and honor one another. Satyuga or the golden era will dawn when opposing parties work towards common goals - to alleviate the suffering of the poor, to give them confidence; to make the rich charitable, the innocent less vulnerable and the educated incorruptible.We have seen the shortcomings of capitalism, communism and socialism. Now is the time for humanism and spiritualism. Politics without humanism and spiritualism is bound to be dirty. Many people believe that spiritualism is not for this world, that it is not a practical tool to bring about societal transformation. But that’s a misconception. Mahatma Gandhi was spiritual. He conducted satsangs everyday and played an important role in bringing freedom for our country.So let’s resolve to examine the qualifications of those whom we elect. We need to protect our country from those who manipulate issues for their personal gains and lead by playing vote-bank politics. Instead elect those who have a spirit of sacrifice, and who are spiritual in their outlook to enter politics.Today, we need leaders who are satya-darshi - truthful, sam-darshi - equanimous, paradarshi- transparent in action , door-darshi - who are broad minded, visionary and far-sighted and priyadarshi- embodying love and compassion. 

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