Tibetan protests do not put off Olympic flame
Tibetan protests do not put off Olympic flame
The Tibetans carried parallel torches and lit them whenever the police weren't looking.

New Delhi: The Olympic torch goes to Bangkok next.

India however, managed to keep the Tibetan protests controlled by holding a parallel freedom relay on Thursday.

Buddhists chantings at Jantar Mantar, an inter-religious prayer meet at Rajghat and the freedom march, some 2,000 Tibetans from across the country walked the four-kilometre distance between Rajghat and Jantar Mantar with a very clear aim.

Due to security reasons the police had denied them permission to carry an actual torch, the enterprising Tibetans carried seven torches instead, and lit them whenever the police weren't looking.

The parallel torch rally was peaceful but the anger and frustration of the Tibetans was obvious.

“After two hours of walking and slogan chanting, the relay reached Jantar Mantar, a quiet corner in Delhi which has become a meeting point for Tibetan activists,” said a parallel torch runner, Cheuying.

So the Tibetans made their point with not one but seven torches.

The peace rally lived up to it's name, something that would probably make the Dalai Lama very proud.

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