UK likely to deport alleged Pakistani terrorists
UK likely to deport alleged Pakistani terrorists
Britain might eventually deport most of the 12 alleged Pakistani terrorists.

London: Pakistani terror suspects arrested in the United Kingdom will be deported and not charged for lack of evidence.

British media reports that the decision to deport the suspects came after discussions between Pakistan and United Kingdom over the fate of the 12 suspects.

A report in The Times claimed that investigators have failed to press charges against the 12 Pakistani men suspected of plotting terror attacks in the UK.

Security agencies arrested the 12 Pakistanis in an operation codenamed Operation Pathway for suspected links with al-Qaeda and planning attacks in UK.

The decision to deport has come as a surprise in Britain as Prime Minister Gordon Brown himself claimed that the suspects were planning a very big terrorist attack.

He had also lashed out at Pakistan for not doing enough against terrorism.

The suspects are currently being questioned by the Scotland Yard and MI5 in North West England.

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