US hopeful of finding Lanka peace track
US hopeful of finding Lanka peace track
Progress in peace talks would bring about a system that would ensure stability and peace in the island.

Chennai: The United States is hopeful of continued progress in finding a peaceful solution to the ethnic crisis in the strife-torn Sri Lanka through negotiations, US Ambassador to India David C Mulford said on Thursday.

The US envoy, who called on Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M Karunanidhi at his Gopalapuram residence here, told reporters that progress in peace talks would bring about a system that would ensure stability and peace in the island.

It would also stem the exodus of refugees from the country, he added.

Describing his 30-minute meeting with Karunanidhi as ''very, very friendly,'' Mulford said he had looked forward to meet the Chief Minister as ''he is a very respected and reputed leader in


The US Ambassador also said he was impressed with the investment-friendly climate prevailing in Tamil Nadu. There were number of US companies which had set up business in the state, he pointed out.

Besides the Lankan issue, he also discussed with Karunanidhi import of wheat from the US, he added.

Asked about Wednesday's email threat to the US Consulate here that a human bomb would blow up the office, Mulford said he was aware of it but nothing had happened.

David T Hopper, US Consul General, Chennai, said the Tamil Nadu police had been cooperating and extending full support in security aspects. ''We have been well taken care of,'' he added.

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