Victoria stands by David Beckham during sex scandal
Victoria stands by David Beckham during sex scandal
She claims that they are soulmates and rumours like this is not going to affect their relationship

London: Singer-turned-fashion designer Victoria Beckham has come out in support of her husband, soccer ace David Beckham who is being accused of bedding a sex worker.

She claims that the rumours about her husband's infidelities are untrue and she's still madly in love with him, reports

"We are still so close, David and I. We were at a party the other day at my mum's house and I was sitting on his lap. We're very affectionate," she said.

"I looked at him and thought after being married for 11 years, we were the only couple who were even near each other at that party. We're soulmates," she added.

Sex worker Irma Nici has claimed that she slept with Beckham five times in 2007. She also claims he had sex with a second prostitute. However, David denies the claims and has sued her for $8 million in damages.

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