Who says there is shortage of blood donors?
Who says there is shortage of blood donors?
Citizen Journalist Smitha Olivera tells us about when she went to donate blood for the victims.

The least I thought I could have done was to donate my blood to those in need - Citizen Journalist Smitha Olivera tells us about when she went to donate blood for the victims.

I happened to be another Mumbaikar who was fortunate enough to miss the tragic blasts.

I thanked god for this but I thought it was my moral duty to help those affected.

The least I thought I could have done was to donate my blood to those in need, as I had read in the newspapers that was an urgent need for blood donors.

I had never done this before, infact in my 27 years I have not even learnt my blood group.

But this was the most I could have done in my limited capacity and hence I put aside all my reservations and fears about donating blood and went ahead.

By the time I reached Borivli (that's where I stay) it was 8:30 pm , though quite dark but the thought that my half an hour could probably give life to another person made me go on with a bit of fear but at the same time a sense of pride within.

I reached the nearest hospital - Karuna hospital - where there were a good number of victims admitted, many in serious conditions.

But here I was turned down inside saying that the hospital was not in need of blood donors and their needs were met by the blood banks.

I was quite surprised because I thought I had read somewhere that there was a shortage of donors in the city.

I then engaged a rickshaw to go all the way back to the blood bank that I had seen on my way here.

I was quite relieved on entering the bank because I knew I wouldn't have to wait for long as I saw no one there.

I thought they would be waiting for a donor, but to my utter surprise I was turned down here as well.

The girl at the reception turned me down saying they had 50-60 donors and she completely refused to take any more.

I sat arguing with her, as to why she was refusing something that was being donated voluntarily and that too at an hour when this was tremendously in need or could even be used in future.

She didn't have an answer for this so she handed me a rough notepad asking me to write down my name and number stating I would be contacted if need be.

I must say I was thoroughly disappointed but there was more in store when I saw four more names before mine.

And people say this is a country where blood banks face shortage of donors.

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