Women still in the dark about Polycystic Ovarian Disease
Women still in the dark about Polycystic Ovarian Disease

Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD) is one of the most common hormonal disorders which may affect an estimated 5 to 10 per cent women of childbearing age. It is more common these days, especially among teenagers, thanks to their faulty eating habits and lack of exercise which leads to obesity.

This condition is also known as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), Stein-Leventhal Syndrome or Sclerocystic Ovarian Disease.

Women suffering from PCOD have several small ovarian cysts. While, most ovarian cysts are harmless, the appearance of these multiple cysts in the form of a ‘pearl necklace’ is an indication that the patient is suffering from PCOD.

These multiple cysts actually occur when a normal menstrual cycle is disrupted, which in turn leads to the enlargement of the ovary, producing excessive amounts of androgen and estrogenic hormones.

The over production of androgen and estrogenic hormones accompanied by lack of ovulation might cause infertility. While the common notion is that women who are overweight or obese suffer from PCOD, women of normal weight too are victims of this condition.

Symptoms of PCOD: Most common symptoms include excessive facial or body hair, skin tags (growth from the skin), acne, irregular periods, thinning hair on the scalp, depression, anxiety, fertility problems, weight gain, trouble in losing weight, breathing problems while sleeping, decreased sex drive, thyroid disorders, exhaustion, discoloration of skin, lack of mental alertness and high cholesterol levels.

Women might experience one or more of these symptoms.

Initially, these symptoms tend to be mild and may go unnoticed.

Causes of PCOD: Though it is not clearly understood what causes PCOD, it does have a significant hereditary component and can be passed down from your parents - either your mother’s or father’s side.

Changes in hormonal levels too is said to be a cause for PCOD. There could be several reasons for the change in hormonal levels. As we have already learnt that polycystic ovary emerges when an ovulation persists for a long time, leading to elevation of androgens and estrogens, setting up a vicious cycle.

Obesity can also be a cause, as fatty tissues which produce estrogens can disrupt ovulation. Another cause could be the overactive adrenal glands which produce excess androgens, which again may contribute to PCOD. These women suffering from PCOD also have insulin resistance.

Diagnosis: Though there is no specific test to diagnose PCOD, the doctor will take several factors into account. such as:

Medical history: The doctor may ask questions about your past health, menstrual period, weight issues and other symptoms. You might also be examined for signs of PCOD, such as extra body hair and high blood pressure.

The doctor will also check your body mass index (BMI), height and weight during the physical examination.

Blood tests: The doctor will also ask you to undergo a few blood tests to check your hormone levels. Apart from this, there may be a few other blood tests which include fasting cholesterol, triglyceride levels and glucose tolerance tests.

Precautions: The bad news here is that Polycystic Ovarian Disease cannot be prevented. However, the good news is that with early diagnosis and timely treatment you can prevent long-term health complications such as obesity, diabetes, infertility and heart diseases.

With a few precautionary measures, you can keep the symptoms and side effects of PCOD at bay and lead a normal life. Changing your eating habits as well as your lifestyle is the first important step.

Reduce the intake of simple and refined carbohydrates such as white rice, white bread, pastries, candy, soda, excess fruit juice, cake, candy, ice cream, pies, cookies and doughnuts and so on, as they create insulin resistance.

Consume more of whole grain wheat, barley, brown rice, and beans and legumes. Intake of proteins is a must for women suffering from Polycystic Ovarian Disease. The best sources of protein would be fish, egg, lean meat and poultry as these normalize the hormones.

Vegetables, salads and soups should be a part of your every meal, which will help in weight loss.

Keep a check on your meal portions too. Eat a balanced and controlled diet and enjoy every bite by eating your meal slowly.

Make exercise your daily routine. This will not just keep your weight under check but it will also improve your overall health. Meditation and performing yoga asana is also recommended.

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