Yakub Memon's hanging victory of law: 1993 blast's victim's family
Yakub Memon's hanging victory of law: 1993 blast's victim's family
The family of a 1993 Mumbai blasts victim hailed Yakub Memon's hanging, saying it is the victory of law and hoped that fugitive mobster Dawood Ibrahim would meet the same fate.

Mathura: The family of a 1993 Mumbai blasts victim hailed Yakub Memon's hanging, saying it is the victory of law and hoped that fugitive mobster Dawood Ibrahim would meet the same fate.

The city resident Ashok Chaturvedi (25) was killed in Mumbai following series of blasts on March 12, 1993. The deceased Chaturvedi's family has all praise for the learned judges of Apex court for ultimately providing justice to his family by awarding death sentence to one of the accused of the serial blasts.

"Our family specially my mother virtually broke down after the death of my elder brother Ashok Chaturvedi (25) who was seriously injured in Mumbai blasts on March 12, 1993 near Air India building and succumbed to injuries in Jaslok Hospital on March 17, 1993," said Deepak, the younger brother of the deceased.

However this Wednesday has become important in their family as Apex court has confirmed death sentence of the main accused Memon, he said.

"It virtually is the victory of law of our country," he said, adding Dawood should also be nabbed.

"My family would be more satisfied if other accused specially Dawood would also be given the same treatment," he concluded.

Over 22 years after the 1993 Mumbai blasts, Yakub Memon, the sole convict on death row, was hanged on his 53rd birthday on Thursday after failure of last-gasp efforts by his counsels to stall the execution that led the Supreme Court to hear his plea in the wee hours before throwing it out.

Memon, whom the Supreme Court had described as the "driving spirit" behind the worst terror assault till date that left 257 dead and 713 wounded, was hanged at the Nagpur Central Jail shortly before 7 am, just about two hours after his last-ditch attempt to gain reprieve came to naught.

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