3 Yoga Basics You'd Need to Kickstart Your Day
3 Yoga Basics You'd Need to Kickstart Your Day
To keep the Yoga spirit alive and abound, we’ve come up with these 3 Yoga basics to Kickstart your day, every day!

So you had a date with Yoga yesterday! The world celebrated International Yoga Day and so do many of us. However the question is that did we keep up with our keenness for Yoga today, what about tomorrow and day after? The answer is that majority of us celebrate Yoga just on June 21st and post that let loose ourselves in the hum-drum of life. To keep the Yoga spirit alive and abound, we’ve come up with these 3 Yoga basics to Kickstart your day, every day!

Deep Breathe

Inhale – Exhale… deep! Practice deep breathing with every breath you take in and take out. Be mindful of the air that’s going in until it reaches down your belly and try to extend exhaling process as much as you can. Deep Breathing is the core of Yoga and Meditation that helps clear clutter off your mind, improves your focus while pumping life in every nook and corner of your body.

Eat Right

According to Yoga experts, eating right is as much about eating moderately as for choosing the right food. Combining fresh fruits, vegetables and staying hydrated with water and herbal concocts is the yogic way of life. Eating only when it is required, is the key to a fit body.


Science has proven that exercise spurs happiness hormones in our brain. Doing light stretch Yoga poses in the morning are best to awaken your body from slumber in a very poised and holistic way. Yoga is all about creating a harmony of the body with mind and soul, of the outer you with the inner self.

These yoga basics don’t require any outside help or equipment; they need only your commitment to a healthy You!

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