7 Commonly Asked GK Questions On Competitive exams
7 Commonly Asked GK Questions On Competitive exams
To succeed in competitive exams, training in general knowledge is essential.

Every student attempts to keep themselves up to date about general knowledge, which makes their daily lives easier. To succeed in competitive exams, training in general knowledge is essential. Today, let us look at some common general knowledge questions and their answers, which are asked in most competitive exams.

1. Jackfruit is the national fruit of which country?

Answer: Jackfruit is the national fruit of Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. Jackfruit is also the state fruit of Tamil Nadu and Kerala. The nutritional value of this fruit is excellent. Being a summer fruit, it is highly valued in India.

2. Which is the most consumed fruit in India?

Answer: Banana. It is rich in iron. If you eat a banana every day, you can get rid of blood deficiency in the body. The antioxidants in bananas protect the body from damage caused by free radicals. The dopamine present in it helps to keep our mood happy.

3. Which fruit has the most calcium?

Answer: Oranges top the list of calcium-rich fruits. Similarly, tangerine fruit is also rich in calcium. Kiwi is also one of the calcium-rich fruits. 1 cup (177 grams) of kiwi fruit contains 60 mg of calcium.

4. Which vegetable has the most vitamins?

Answer: Lettuce. It is a green vegetable and is rich in calcium, vitamins, iron, and antioxidants. Apart from this, spinach is also rich in iron and calcium, so it can be liberally included in a non-vegetarian and non-dairy diet.

5. Which country produces the most opium?

Answer: Myanmar has overtaken Afghanistan to become the world’s largest producer of opium. This year alone, 1080 MT of opium have been produced in Myanmar.

6. Which state is the largest producer of salt in the country?

Answer: Gujarat. It is the largest salt-producing state in India and the third-largest in the world. Tamil Nadu is the second-largest producer of salt after Gujarat.

7. Which is the national heritage animal of India?

Answer: Elephant. In 2010, the elephant was declared the national heritage animal of India. World Elephant Day is celebrated on August 12 every year.

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