7 DIY Curd Masks To Improve Hair Texture
7 DIY Curd Masks To Improve Hair Texture
A combination of Yogurt and turmeric is another great hair mask to improve scalp health.

Frequent exposure to harsh sunlight, stress and air pollution, makes our hair dull and prone to damage. While there can be many artificial products for the protection of the hair and maintaining its glow, nothing works better than natural ingredients. People can try these easy breezy hair masks, which are easy to whip up and will work wonders on your hair. This article describes the various hair masks that can be made with the help of curd and many other natural items.

1. Yogurt with Vinegar: If someone is suffering from dandruff, then they should mix yoghurt with vinegar and apply it to their hair. This will act as a natural hair conditioner leaving the hair smooth and soft.

2. Yogurt and Honey: People can also try to use a mixture of yoghurt and honey to improve the condition of their hair. This compound will work as a natural moisturiser and will nourish the hair.

3. Curd and Egg: Users can also opt for a mixture of curd and egg for better hair growth. This hair mask mixture provides all the necessary nutrients to the hair and helps in preventing scalp-related infections.

4. Curd and Fenugreek: This mixture can work as a solution for dandruff-related ailments and gives softness and shine to the hair. This method can clean the scalp, soothe the itching, and moisturise at the same time.

5. Yogurt and lemon juice- Lemon juice can help maintain the pH balance of the hair and reduce dandruff when combined with yoghurt. pH scale is a way of describing whether something is acidic, neutral, or alkaline.

6. Yogurt and Turmeric- A combination of Yogurt and turmeric is another great hair mask to improve scalp health. It is recommended to apply this mask every week for 15-20 minutes before rinsing them for the visible results.

7. Yogurt, honey and egg- The mask made by these 3 components should be pasted all over the scalp for 30 minutes and then washed off with a mild shampoo. The lactic acid in the yoghurt will deeply cleanse the scalp to get rid of any grime, product build-up and dust.

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