Gauahar Khan Loses 3.5 Kilos in 20 Days
Gauahar Khan Loses 3.5 Kilos in 20 Days
Gauahar Khan took to social media and posted a picture of her lean look, in which she is seen sporting an orange tank top.

Actress Gauahar Khan has lost 3.5 kilos in just 20 days.Taking to Instagram, Gauahar posted a picture of her "lean" look.

"Orange and the New black ! I've lost 3.5 kgs in 20 days ! Loving this lean look," she captioned the image, in which she is seen sporting an orange tank top.

Netizens were impressed with Gauahar's transformation.

A user commented: "I think you lost weight due to continuous up down from Bombay to Pune."

Responding to the user, Gauahar wrote: "kinda true".

Gauahar travelled to Pune last month to take care of her ailing father, who reportedly underwent surgery at hospital there.

Earlier, Gauahar said while talking about how she manages to multi-task, "I love making the most of my time and exploring new avenues to reach out to as many people as I can with my work."

She expressed her views in a conversation with Kusha Kapila in an episode of Go Fun Yourself, which streams on Voot.

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