Men and Women are Responding to Covid-19 Pandemic Differently, Suggests Study
Men and Women are Responding to Covid-19 Pandemic Differently, Suggests Study
It is the difference in their attitudes towards Covid-19 crisis that has been highlighted by the results of this survey.

A survey conducted shows that men and women are responding to Covid-19 pandemic differently than men. It is the difference in their attitudes towards Covid-19 crisis that has been highlighted by the results of this survey.

Women are more likely to follow the protocols because they are considering Covid-19 as a cause of concern, as per the survey. The survey, which was conducted in March-April 2020 in eight countries, proves that women are more cautious about Covid-19, reported ANI.

This survey was conducted in eight countries which are a member of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.

The report says that in all the countries that were surveyed, there are sizable gender-based differences in attitudes towards this health crisis. These behavioural differences are partially less visible only in situations where the two genders are cohabiting or if they get directly exposed to Covid-19.

The study presents an essential finding which may force the health policymakers to think about making gender-specific policies and communication because there is a significant behavioural difference between the two genders.

The coronavirus crisis has changed the way the world operates since it first surfaced. The total number of people infected with Covid-19 is 39 million while more than 1.1 million people have succumbed to the virus. The top three countries which have the highest number of Covid-19 cases — USA, India and Brazil — are all led by men.

The difference in the Covid-19 response based upon gender explains the reason behind the fact that countries led by women have performed well during the crisis. A study had earlier said that countries under women leaders — like Jacinda Ardern and Angela Merkel — have handled the Covid-19 crisis better. It also found that these countries experienced half the deaths as those led by men.

New Zealand under Jacinda Ardern saw 25 deaths due to the Covid-19 crisis. The cases were controlled because of locking down the country earlier.

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